Unusual But Sensible Investment Ideas - Common Goods
Ask yourself, what group of products do most men and women use, every single day? Hygiene and related products: shaving cream, razors, toothpaste, toothbrushes, tampons, hairspray, hair colouring products. Search for any of these terms using Google or another search engine (MSN, Ask Jeeves, Excite) and track down the largest makers of some of these products. What do you want to wager that, long-term, regardless of the state of the economy, these stocks are all making a profit? That's because everyone, to some degree, needs these products. Increased sales usually equate to increased stock price. That's not to say that these stocks never have a downturn, but there might be obvious cycles in their prices.
Other industries that also weather economic downturns, but not always as well, are: clothing and shoes (non-designer); pet food, snacks and play toys/ accessories; utilities (hydro, phone). There are more industries, but these are the ones I've either observed, worked for, or know someone who has. I also speak to consumers regularly to get an idea of what they buy during different states of the economy.
While I'm not saying to put all of your investment money into these industries, it's worth your while to track some of their stocks and consider a few LONG-TERM shares. (I.e., don't buy them to day-trade.) And please, before you do any investing, speak to your investment advisor.
(c) Copyright 2005-present, Raj Kumar Dash, http://smackeroonies.blogspot.com
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